Creating Tags

To create new tags, just click the new button (new tag) in the configuration view and enter the name for the tag. You have to give the tag a responsible user or group by selecting on from your users in the list of Responsibles. Entering a description is recommended so that the person who gets the error knows exactly what went wrong.

To remove an unused tag you should delete it with the delete button (delete).

Setting the Cycle

The Cycle setting tells i-net Doqua when to invalidate an assigned tag. You have the following options:

  • X Day(s) / Week(s) / Month(s) / Year(s) - invalidate assigned tag after this time.
  • Commented - invalidates an assigned tag immediately

Impact Setting

There are five impact settings: Critical Error, Error, Warning, Info, Debug. Depending on the impact, a document with an error will be listed in the Document Error View according to its setting

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