
i-net Helpdesk Sicherheitsankündigung 2020 Apr 06

Berlin, Apr 06, 2020

Update (APR-23-2020) Es wurde heute ein volles Update in jeder betroffenen Version des i-net HelpDesk bereitgestellt, das weitere Verbesserungen enthält. Wir haben dahingehend diese Sicherheitsankündigung angepasst. Dieses Update sollte auch dann installiert werden, wenn Sie die ausgetauscht haben.

Diese Sicherheitsankündigung betrifft eine Sicherheitslücke im i-net HelpDesk Server, die wir mittlerweile in allen Versionen behoben haben. Ein Update Ihres i-net HelpDesk auf die jeweils neueste Version schützt Sie gegen diese Lücke. Sehen Sie dazu den Abschnitt Fix.

Dieses Problem betrifft nur den Server des i-net HelpDesk, nicht die Clients.


i-net PDFC Security Advisory 2020-APR-06

Berlin, Apr 06, 2020

This advisory announces a security vulnerability in versions 4.3 – 6.2 of i-net PDFC Server that we have found and fixed. In addition to releasing a fixed version of i-net PDFC Server 4.3, 5.2, and 6.2, we also provide patches (in the form of a plugin upgrade) for the vulnerability. This means you are able to fix the issue for your current installation of i-net PDFC Server without needing to fully update to the latest version.

Note: this vulnerability only affects i-net PDFC servers from versions 4.3 to 6.2.


i-net Clear Reports Security Advisory 2020-APR-06

Berlin, Apr 06, 2020

This advisory announces a security vulnerability in versions 16.0 - 19.2 of i-net Clear Reports Server that we have found and fixed in versions 16.4, 17.1, 18.1, and 19.2. In addition to releasing each of these versions, we also provide patches (in the form of a plugin upgrade) for the vulnerability for versions 17.0 - 19.2. This means you are able to fix the issue for your current installation of i-net Clear Reports without needing to fully update to the latest version of i-net Clear Reports.

Note: this vulnerability only affects i-net Clear Reports servers from versions 16.0 - 19.2.


i-net PDFC - New Release 6.2

Berlin, Oct 22, 2019

i-net software proudly announces the release 6.2 of i-net PDFC. This release contains bug fixes and some new features. For data protection a new option to remove all unnamed comparisons as soon as all viewers are disconnected was added.

For more information please refer to the release notes.

If you have any questions, please contact


i-net Clear Reports - New Release 19.2

Berlin, Oct 22, 2019

i-net software proudly announces the release 19.2 of i-net Clear Reports. This release contains bug fixes and some new features like a new implementation of the Datasource Manager. Data Sources are now handled differently for reports.

For more information please refer to the release notes.

If you have any questions, please contact



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