i-net PDFC Online Comparison

Try out i-net PDFC

Get started easily with our free-to-use online comparison. You can upload up to 20MB of PDF or DocX files, compare them and safely share the results.

How does this page work?

  1. Drag & Drop PDF files into the fields above
    • or: click each file field to open a file browser and select one or two PDF files
  2. Click the big, green, friendly button to start the comparison
  3. You will be redirected to the PDF comparison page
    • Note: you have to allow Pop-ups in your browser in order to be redirected correctly. Alternatively, click the link below the comparison field (which will appear when the comparison starts).

What is this?

This is an online trial for testing the i-net PDFC Server, our best-of-class PDF comparison tool. Compare two PDFs or plain text files and instantly see the differences.

Are there any limits to the comparison?

You can upload PDFs, DocX or plain text files up to 20MB. The comparison is capped at 50 pages. If you want to compare larger documents, you can always download and test the full application.

Which file types are supported?

You can compare PDFs, DocX, image formats and plain text files in any combination. Text in images with a resolution of at least 300dpi is supported for some languages.

More formats will be made available in the future.

Which changes will be detected?

i-net PDFC detects a broad range of changes, including but not exclusively:

  • Text, font and style modifications
  • Object placement and styles
  • Intelligent handling of data in columns

Will my document files be kept secure?

We take our customers' security very seriously. That is why we do not store information longer than required to perform a comparison and show it to you. That means:

  • The files are uploaded directly to our comparison server
  • PDF files are separated by session identifiers and are not shared with others unless you expressly want them to be
  • The session identifiers can not be guessed due to length and complexity
  • A session and all information (including PDF files) is deleted after 30 minutes of session inactivity. Shared results will not be available after this period of time.

Please note that the online comparison is a trial version of the i-net PDFC Server only governed by the trial license

How can I compare confidential PDFs?

To locally compare PDF files on your own computer, please check out our fully offline capable i-net PDFC application.

The security guidelines outlined on this page only apply for the online trial version which we offer to allow you a fast and easy evaluation of i-net PDFC software before you buy a license.

No data will be stored outside your local installation if you purchased a licensed copy of i-net PDFC for Standard, Plus or Server version.


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