Interface DefaultFilterNames

public interface DefaultFilterNames
The naming constants of all filter plugins that are shipped with the installation All of these filters can be in one of three states: 'loaded', 'not loaded' (because the plugin is missing or is incompatible), or 'deactivated' (due to the configuration).
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
    Not a singular filter, but can be used to toggle the visibility of annotations in the input files
    static final String
    Table recogintion and optimization
    static final String
    Bidi filter, sorted the words in read direction
    static final String
    Patches a missing CMAP by character based OCR
    static final String
    A filter to auto-detect and exclude headers and footers
    static final String
    Hide rotated text elements
    static final String
    Removes transparent and white graphics objects
    static final String
    Removes the top and left margin, strict mode only
    static final String
    A sorter to detect multi column layouts and reorder the elements accordingly
    static final String
    OCR for image elements
    static final String
    Excludes certain pages from the comparison
    static final String
    Removes text elements according to regexp patterns
    static final String
    Character replacement to solve issues with OCR and representation forms