Package com.inet.html.views

com.inet.html.views package This package contains the complete view layer of JWebEngine.


Interface Summary
IBackgroundPainter The background painter is the implementation of the CSS 'background' attribute.
IBoxPainter This is the basic box painter interface. the Box painter defines the box of a view in style and size.

Class Summary
BackgroundPainter The background painter is the implementation of the CSS 'background' attribute.
BlankBoxPainter A BoxPainter which represents a transparent box without borders, padding and margin.
BlockView The block view is a view for any 'normal' block-element except tables, controls and images.
BoxPainter This is the basic box painter.
BoxView This class is the basic box used to represent and render all html elements.
BulletView View for bullet list items.
ContentPainter This class is similar to the JRE GlyphView.GlyphPainter.
ContentView The Content view displays one block of text(in most cases a word) or several whitespaces.
ControlView This class represents a HTML form control element like a button or an input.
HRuleView This view represents a horizontal rule as defined by HTML.
HtmlRootView HTML root view.
ImageView This is the view to display images or image-buttons.
InlineView This view represents an inline layer.
InsertedContentView This view can be used to insert content without changing the document.
ObjectView An ObjectView is basically equal to a HTML form control.
RenderContext This class contains all references and objects which are relevant to render the views correctly.
RotationPainter This class is similar to the JRE GlyphView.GlyphPainter.
TableBoxPainter This is a modification of the normal box painter.
TableView This view is represents a table container.
VariableSpaceView This is very special type of view.
ViewPositionInfo Simple container class, to get the information about the current position of a view.

Package com.inet.html.views Description

com.inet.html.views package

This package contains the complete view layer of JWebEngine. Any view used by JWebEngine has to extend the BoxView and to be registered at a custom view factory.