Package com.inet.editor

com.inet.html.editor package This package contains a wysiwyg HTML editor.


Class Summary
ActionExecutor This is basically an action proxy.
AddImageAction An action to add an image to a InetHtmlDocument
AutoCompletionKeyListener Der AutoCompletionKeyListener fügt dem Textfeld eine JComboBox eine Auto-Vervollständigungs-Funktion hinzu.
BaseEditor A simple editor component with some base features.
BaseEditorToolBar This is the toolbar of the base editor.
ColorButton The Class FontColorButton is used in Designer toolbar for choosing of colors.
ColorList This class presends a List for selection a color value.
DefaultHyperlinkListener The default HyperlinkListener of the BaseEditor
HtmlConverter Utils class to convert text/plain to HTML and back
HyperlinkAction Handelt die Bearbeitung von Hyperlinks
HyperlinkActionPopup action to edit hyperlinks via popup menu.
HyperlinkInputDialog Displays a dialog to add, edit or remove the hyperlink property from a text part.
InetTextPane Special handling of the focus events
NOTE: this editor will not pass down "editable" events, since these events would cause an needles view-rebuild due to the BasicTextUI implementation.
InetToolBar This is a toolbar extension to support oversized toolbars.
LineNumTextPane The Class LineNumTextPane.
ScrollPopup Diese Klasse ist eine Erweiterung eines normalen JPopupMenu.
SourceCodeAction The action to open the source code window for a base editor
SourceCodeDialog Displays a frame to view and edit the source code of a document
SpellCheckerProxy Proxy to use the JOrtho spellcheck, if it is available without hard references to the package

Package com.inet.editor Description

com.inet.html.editor package

This package contains a wysiwyg HTML editor. The editor features a customizable toolbar, s source code editor, a copy/paste popup as well as most of the common edit actions including it's toolbar buttons.

If you want to use JWebEngine as an editor it is recommended to use the BaseEditor for this purpose.