i-net JDBC drivers for Sybase

Class CachedRowSet

  extended bycom.inet.syb.CachedRowSet
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, java.sql.ResultSet, javax.sql.RowSet, java.io.Serializable

public class CachedRowSet
extends java.lang.Object
implements javax.sql.RowSet, java.io.Serializable, java.lang.Cloneable

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface java.sql.ResultSet
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new default CachedRowSet object.
Method Summary
 boolean absolute(int row)
          Moves this CachedRowSet object's cursor to the row number specified.
 void acceptChanges()
          Propagates all row update, insert, and delete changes to the underlying data source backing this CachedRowSet object.
 void acceptChanges(java.sql.Connection con)
          Propagates all row update, insert, and delete changes to the data source backing this CachedRowSet object using the given Connection object.
 void addRowSetListener(javax.sql.RowSetListener listener)
          Registers the designated object as a listener for this rowset.
 void afterLast()
          Moves this CachedRowSet object's cursor to the end of the rowset, just after the last row.
 void beforeFirst()
          Moves this CachedRowSet object's cursor to the front of the rowset, just before the first row.
 void cancelRowDelete()
          Cancels deletion of the current row and notifies listeners that a row has changed.
 void cancelRowInsert()
          Immediately removes the current row from this CachedRowSet object if the row has been inserted, and also notifies listeners that a row has changed.
 void cancelRowUpdates()
          Rolls back any updates made to the current row of this CachedRowSet object and notifies listeners that a row has changed.
 void clearParameters()
          Clears all of the current parameter values in this rowset's internal representation of the parameters to be set in this rowset's command when it is executed.
 void clearWarnings()
          After a call to this method, the getWarnings method returns null until a new warning is reported for this CachedRowSet object.
 java.lang.Object clone()
          Returns a new RowSet object backed by the same data that backs this CachedRowSet object.
 void close()
          Releases the current contents of this rowset, discarding outstanding updates.
 javax.sql.RowSet createCopy()
          Creates a RowSet object that is a deep copy of this CachedRowSet object's data.
 javax.sql.RowSet createShared()
          Returns a new RowSet object backed by the same data as that of this CachedRowSet object.
 void deleteRow()
          Deletes the current row from this CachedRowSet object and notifies listeners registered with this rowset that a row has changed.
 void execute()
          Populates this CachedRowSet object with data.
 void execute(java.sql.Connection con)
          Populates this CachedRowSet object with data, using the given connection to produce the result set from which data will be read.
 int findColumn(java.lang.String colName)
          Maps the given column name for one of this CachedRowSet object's columns to its column number.
 boolean first()
          Moves this CachedRowSet object's cursor to the first row and returns true if the operation was successful.
 java.sql.Array getArray(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in this CachedRowSet object as an Array object in the Java programming lanugage.
 java.sql.Array getArray(java.lang.String columnName)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in this CachedRowSet object as an Array object in the Java programming lanugage.
 java.io.InputStream getAsciiStream(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.sql.Timestamp object.
 java.io.InputStream getAsciiStream(java.lang.String columnName)
          A column value can be retrieved as a stream of ASCII characters and then read in chunks from the stream.
 java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.math.BigDecimal object.
 java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int columnIndex, int scale)
          Deprecated. Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.math.BigDecimal object. This method is deprecated; use the version of getBigDecimal that does not take a scale parameter and returns a value with full precision.
 java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(java.lang.String columnName)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.math.BigDecimal object.
 java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(java.lang.String columnName, int scale)
          Deprecated. use the method getBigDecimal(String columnName) instead Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a java.math.BigDecimal object.
 java.io.InputStream getBinaryStream(int columnIndex)
          A column value can be retrieved as a stream of uninterpreted bytes and then read in chunks from the stream.
 java.io.InputStream getBinaryStream(java.lang.String columnName)
          Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a java.io.InputStream object.
 java.sql.Blob getBlob(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in this CachedRowSet object as a Blob object in the Java programming lanugage.
 java.sql.Blob getBlob(java.lang.String columnName)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in this CachedRowSet object as a Blob object in the Java programming lanugage.
 boolean getBoolean(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a boolean value.
 boolean getBoolean(java.lang.String columnName)
          Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a boolean value.
 byte getByte(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a byte value.
 byte getByte(java.lang.String columnName)
          Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a byte value.
 byte[] getBytes(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a byte array value.
 byte[] getBytes(java.lang.String columnName)
          Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a byte array.
 java.io.Reader getCharacterStream(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a java.io.Reader object.
 java.io.Reader getCharacterStream(java.lang.String columnName)
          Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a java.io.Reader object.
 java.sql.Clob getClob(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in this CachedRowSet object as a Clob object in the Java programming lanugage.
 java.sql.Clob getClob(java.lang.String columnName)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in this CachedRowSet object as a Clob object in the Java programming lanugage.
 int getColumnCount()
          Return the numbers of columns in this CachedRowSet.
 java.lang.String getCommand()
          Retrieves the SQL query that is the command for this rowset.
 int getConcurrency()
          Returns the concurrency for this rowset.
 java.sql.Connection getConnection()
          Retrieves the Connection object passed to this CachedRowSet object.
 java.lang.String getCursorName()
          Retrieves the name of the SQL cursor used by this CachedRowSet object.
 java.lang.String getDataSourceName()
          Returns the logical name that when supplied to a naming service that uses the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) API, will retrieve a javax.sql.DataSource object.
 java.sql.Date getDate(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.sql.Date object.
 java.sql.Date getDate(int columnIndex, java.util.Calendar cal)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.sql.Date object, using the given Calendar object to construct an appropriate millisecond value for the date.
 java.sql.Date getDate(java.lang.String columnName)
          Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a java.sql.Date object.
 java.sql.Date getDate(java.lang.String columnName, java.util.Calendar cal)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.sql.Date object, using the given Calendar object to construct an appropriate millisecond value for the date.
 double getDouble(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a double value.
 double getDouble(java.lang.String columnName)
          Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a double value.
 boolean getEscapeProcessing()
          Ascertains whether escape processing is enabled for this rowset.
 int getFetchDirection()
          Retrieves this rowset's current setting for the fetch direction.
 int getFetchSize()
          Returns the fetch size for this rowset.
 float getFloat(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a float value.
 float getFloat(java.lang.String columnName)
          Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a float value.
 int getInt(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a short value.
 int getInt(java.lang.String columnName)
          Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as an int value.
 long getLong(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a long value.
 long getLong(java.lang.String columnName)
          Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a long value.
 int getMaxFieldSize()
          Retrieves the maximum number of bytes that can be used for a column value in this rowset.
 int getMaxRows()
          Retrieves the maximum number of rows that this rowset may contain.
 java.sql.ResultSetMetaData getMetaData()
          Retrieves the ResultSetMetaData object that contains information about this CachedRowsSet object.
 java.lang.Object getObject(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as an Object value.
 java.lang.Object getObject(int columnIndex, java.util.Map map)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in this CachedRowSet object as an Object in the Java programming lanugage, using the given java.util.Map object to custom map the value if appropriate.
 java.lang.Object getObject(java.lang.String columnName)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as an Object value.
 java.lang.Object getObject(java.lang.String columnName, java.util.Map map)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in this CachedRowSet object as an Object in the Java programming lanugage, using the given java.util.Map object to custom map the value if appropriate.
 java.lang.Object[] getParams()
          Retrieves an array containing the parameters that may be set in the PreparedStatement object that is the command for this rowset.
 java.lang.String getPassword()
          Returns the password used to create a database connection for this rowset.
 int getQueryTimeout()
          Retrieves the maximum number of seconds the driver will wait for a query to execute.
 java.sql.Ref getRef(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in this CachedRowSet object as a Ref object in the Java programming lanugage.
 java.sql.Ref getRef(java.lang.String columnName)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in this CachedRowSet object as a Ref object in the Java programming lanugage.
 int getRow()
          Returns the number of the current row in this CachedRowSet object.
 short getShort(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a short value.
 short getShort(java.lang.String columnName)
          Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a short value.
 boolean getShowDeleted()
          Retrieves a boolean indicating whether rows marked for deletion appear in the set of current rows.
 java.sql.Statement getStatement()
          Retrieves the statement of this CachedRowSet object.
 java.lang.String getString(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a String object.
 java.lang.String getString(java.lang.String columnName)
          Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a String object.
 java.lang.String getTableName()
          Get the name of the table where the changes will be made.
 java.sql.Time getTime(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.sql.Time object.
 java.sql.Time getTime(int columnIndex, java.util.Calendar cal)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.sql.Time object, using the given Calendar object to construct an appropriate millisecond value for the date.
 java.sql.Time getTime(java.lang.String columnName)
          Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a java.sql.Time object.
 java.sql.Time getTime(java.lang.String columnName, java.util.Calendar cal)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.sql.Time object, using the given Calendar object to construct an appropriate millisecond value for the date.
 java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.sql.Timestamp object.
 java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(int columnIndex, java.util.Calendar cal)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.sql.Timestamp object, using the given Calendar object to construct an appropriate millisecond value for the date.
 java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(java.lang.String columnName)
          Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a java.sql.Timestamp object.
 java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(java.lang.String columnName, java.util.Calendar cal)
          Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.sql.Timestamp object, using the given Calendar object to construct an appropriate millisecond value for the date.
 int getTransactionIsolation()
          Returns the transaction isolation property for this rowset' connection.
 int getType()
          Returns the type of this rowset.
 java.util.Map getTypeMap()
          Retrieves the type map associated with the Connection object for this rowset.
 java.io.InputStream getUnicodeStream(int columnIndex)
          Deprecated. A column value can be retrieved as a stream of Unicode characters and then read in chunks from the stream. This method is particularly suitable for retrieving large LONGVARCHAR values. The JDBC driver will do any necessary conversion from the database format into Unicode. Note: All the data in the returned stream must be read prior to getting the value of any other column. The next call to a get method implicitly closes the stream. . Also, a stream may return 0 for available() whether there is data available or not.
 java.io.InputStream getUnicodeStream(java.lang.String columnName)
          Deprecated. use the method getCharacterStream instead Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a java.io.InputStream object. A column value can be retrieved as a stream of Unicode characters and then read in chunks from the stream. This method is particularly suitable for retrieving large LONGVARCHAR values. The JDBC driver will do any necessary conversion from the database format into Unicode. Note: All the data in the returned stream must be read prior to getting the value of any other column. The next call to a getXXX method implicitly closes the stream.
 java.lang.String getUrl()
          Retrieves the URL that was used to create the connection between this rowset and the source of its data, which is a relational database using a JDBC technology-enabled driver.
 java.net.URL getURL(int columnIndex)
 java.net.URL getURL(java.lang.String columnName)
 java.lang.String getUsername()
          Returns the user name used to create a database connection.
 java.sql.SQLWarning getWarnings()
          The first warning reported by calls on this CachedRowSet object is returned.
 void insertRow()
          Inserts the contents of this CachedRowSet object's insert row into this rowset immediately following the current row.
 boolean isAfterLast()
          Indicates whether the cursor is after the last row in this CachedRowSet object.
 boolean isBeforeFirst()
          Indicates whether the cursor is before the first row in this CachedRowSet object.
 boolean isFirst()
          Indicates whether the cursor is on the first row in this CachedRowSet object.
 boolean isLast()
          Indicates whether the cursor is on the last row in this CachedRowSet object.
 boolean isReadOnly()
          Returns a boolean indicating whether this rowset is read-only.
 boolean last()
          Moves this CachedRowSet object's cursor to the last row and returns true if the operation was successful.
 void moveToCurrentRow()
          Moves the cursor for this CachedRowSet object to the current row.
 void moveToInsertRow()
          Moves the cursor for this CachedRowSet object to the insert row.
 boolean next()
          Moves the cursor down one row from its current position and returns true if the new cursor position is a valid row.
 void populate(java.sql.ResultSet data)
          Populates this CachedRowSet object with data from the given ResultSet object.
 boolean previous()
          Moves this CachedRowSet object's cursor to the previous row and returns true if the cursor is on a valid row or false if it is not.
 void refreshRow()
          Sets the current row with its original value and marks the row as not updated, thus undoing any changes made to the row.
 boolean relative(int rows)
          Moves the cursor the specified number of rows from the current position, with a positive number moving it forward and a negative number moving it backward.
 void release()
          Releases the current contents of this CachedRowSet object and sends a RowSetChangedEvent object to all registered listeners.
 void removeRowSetListener(javax.sql.RowSetListener listener)
          Removes the designated object from this rowset's list of listeners.
 void restoreOriginal()
          Restores this CachedRowSet object to its original state, that is, its state before the last set of changes.
 boolean rowDeleted()
          Indicates whether the current row has been deleted.
 boolean rowInserted()
          Indicates whether the current row has been inserted.
 boolean rowUpdated()
          Indicates whether the current row of this CachedRowSet object has been updated.
 void setArray(int i, java.sql.Array x)
          Sets the designated parameter to an Array object in the Java programming language.
 void setAsciiStream(int i, java.io.InputStream x, int length)
          Sets the designated parameter to the given java.io.InputStream in the Java programming language, which will have the specified number of bytes.
 void setBigDecimal(int i, java.math.BigDecimal x)
          Sets the designated parameter to the given java.lang.BigDecimal value.
 void setBinaryStream(int i, java.io.InputStream x, int length)
          Sets the designated parameter to the given java.io.InputStream in the Java programming language, which will have the specified number of bytes.
 void setBlob(int i, java.sql.Blob x)
          Sets the designated parameter to the given Blob object in the Java programming language.
 void setBoolean(int i, boolean x)
          Sets the designated parameter to the given boolean in the Java programming language.
 void setByte(int i, byte x)
          Sets the designated parameter to the given byte in the Java programming language.
 void setBytes(int i, byte[] x)
          Sets the designated parameter to the given array of bytes.
 void setCharacterStream(int i, java.io.Reader x, int length)
          Sets the designated parameter to the given java.io.Reader object, which will have the specified number of characters.
 void setClob(int i, java.sql.Clob x)
          Sets the designated parameter to the given Clob object in the Java programming language.
 void setCommand(java.lang.String cmd)
          Sets this CachedRowSet object's command property to the given String object and clears the parameters, if any, that were set for the previous command.
 void setConcurrency(int concurrency)
          Sets the concurrency for this rowset to the specified concurrency.
 void setDataSourceName(java.lang.String name)
          Sets the data source property name for this rowset object to the given logical name for a data source and sets this rowset's URL property to null.
 void setDate(int i, java.sql.Date x)
          Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date value.
 void setDate(int i, java.sql.Date x, java.util.Calendar cal)
          Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date object.
 void setDouble(int i, double x)
          Sets the designated parameter to the given double in the Java programming language.
 void setEscapeProcessing(boolean enable)
          Sets to the given boolean whether or not the driver will scan for escape syntax and do escape substitution before sending SQL statements to the database.
 void setFetchDirection(int direction)
          Gives the driver a performance hint as to the direction in which the rows in this rowset will be processed.
 void setFetchSize(int rows)
          Sets the fetch size for this rowset to the given number of rows.
 void setFloat(int i, float x)
          Sets the designated parameter to the given float in the Java programming language.
 void setInt(int i, int x)
          Sets the designated parameter to an int in the Java programming language.
 void setLong(int i, long x)
          Sets the designated parameter to the given long in the Java programming language.
 void setMaxFieldSize(int max)
          Sets the maximum number of bytes that can be used for a column value in this rowset to the given number.
 void setMaxRows(int max)
          Sets the maximum number of rows that this rowset object may contain to the given number.
 void setNull(int i, int sqlType)
          Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL.
 void setNull(int i, int sqlType, java.lang.String typeName)
          Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL.
 void setObject(int i, java.lang.Object x)
          Sets the designated parameter to an Object in the Java programming language.
 void setObject(int i, java.lang.Object x, int sqlType)
          Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given Object value.
 void setObject(int i, java.lang.Object x, int sqlType, int scale)
          Sets the designated parameter to an Object in the Java programming language.
 void setPassword(java.lang.String pword)
          Sets the password used to create a database connection for this rowset to the given String object.
 void setQueryTimeout(int seconds)
          Sets to the given number the maximum number of seconds the driver will wait for a query to execute.
 void setReadOnly(boolean value)
          Sets this rowset's readOnly property to the given boolean.
 void setRef(int i, java.sql.Ref x)
          Sets the designated parameter to the given Ref object in the Java programming language.
 void setShort(int i, short x)
          Sets the designated parameter to the given short in the Java programming language.
 void setShowDeleted(boolean value)
          Sets the property showDeleted to the given boolean value, which determines whether rows marked for deletion appear in the set of current rows.
 void setString(int i, java.lang.String x)
          Sets the designated parameter to the given String value.
 void setTableName(java.lang.String tabName)
          Sets the identifier for the table from which this rowset was derived to the given table name.
 void setTime(int i, java.sql.Time x)
          Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value.
 void setTime(int i, java.sql.Time x, java.util.Calendar cal)
          Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time object.
 void setTimestamp(int i, java.sql.Timestamp x)
          Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value in the Java programming programming language.
 void setTimestamp(int i, java.sql.Timestamp x, java.util.Calendar cal)
          Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp object.
 void setTransactionIsolation(int level)
          Sets the transaction isolation property for this rowset to the given constant.
 void setType(int type)
          Sets the type for this rowset to the specified type.
 void setTypeMap(java.util.Map map)
          Installs the given java.util.Map object as the type map associated with the Connection object for this rowset.
 void setUrl(java.lang.String url)
          Sets the URL property for this rowset to the given String object.
 void setUsername(java.lang.String name)
          Sets the username property for this rowset to the given user name.
 int size()
          Return the numbers of rows in this CachedRowSet object
 java.util.Collection toCollection()
          Converts this CachedRowSet object to a collection.
 java.util.Collection toCollection(int column)
          Returns the specified column of this CachedRowSet object as a Collection object.
 void updateArray(int columnIndex, java.sql.Array x)
 void updateArray(java.lang.String columnName, java.sql.Array x)
 void updateAsciiStream(int columnIndex, java.io.InputStream x, int length)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given ASCII stream value.
 void updateAsciiStream(java.lang.String columnName, java.io.InputStream x, int length)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given ASCII stream value.
 void updateBigDecimal(int columnIndex, java.math.BigDecimal x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given java.math.BigDecimal object.
 void updateBigDecimal(java.lang.String columnName, java.math.BigDecimal x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given java.math.BigDecimal object.
 void updateBinaryStream(int columnIndex, java.io.InputStream x, int length)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given java.io.InputStream object.
 void updateBinaryStream(java.lang.String columnName, java.io.InputStream x, int length)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given java.io.InputStream object.
 void updateBlob(int columnIndex, java.sql.Blob x)
 void updateBlob(java.lang.String columnName, java.sql.Blob x)
 void updateBoolean(int columnIndex, boolean x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given boolean value.
 void updateBoolean(java.lang.String columnName, boolean x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given boolean value.
 void updateByte(int columnIndex, byte x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given byte value.
 void updateByte(java.lang.String columnName, byte x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given byte value.
 void updateBytes(int columnIndex, byte[] x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given byte value.
 void updateBytes(java.lang.String columnName, byte[] x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given byte array.
 void updateCharacterStream(int columnIndex, java.io.Reader x, int length)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given java.io.Reader object.
 void updateCharacterStream(java.lang.String columnName, java.io.Reader reader, int length)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given java.io.Reader object.
 void updateClob(int columnIndex, java.sql.Clob x)
 void updateClob(java.lang.String columnName, java.sql.Clob x)
 void updateDate(int columnIndex, java.sql.Date x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given Date object.
 void updateDate(java.lang.String columnName, java.sql.Date x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given Date object.
 void updateDouble(int columnIndex, double x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given double value.
 void updateDouble(java.lang.String columnName, double x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given double value.
 void updateFloat(int columnIndex, float x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given float value.
 void updateFloat(java.lang.String columnName, float x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given float value.
 void updateInt(int columnIndex, int x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given int value.
 void updateInt(java.lang.String columnName, int x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given int value.
 void updateLong(int columnIndex, long x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given long value.
 void updateLong(java.lang.String columnName, long x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given long value.
 void updateNull(int columnIndex)
          Sets the designated nullable column in the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with null value.
 void updateNull(java.lang.String columnName)
          Sets the designated nullable column in the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with null value.
 void updateObject(int columnIndex, java.lang.Object x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given Object value.
 void updateObject(int columnIndex, java.lang.Object x, int scale)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given Object value.
 void updateObject(java.lang.String columnName, java.lang.Object x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given Object value.
 void updateObject(java.lang.String columnName, java.lang.Object x, int scale)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given Object value.
 void updateRef(int columnIndex, java.sql.Ref x)
 void updateRef(java.lang.String columnName, java.sql.Ref x)
 void updateRow()
          Marks the current row of this CachedRowSet object as updated and notifies listeners registered with this rowset that the row has changed.
 void updateShort(int columnIndex, short x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given short value.
 void updateShort(java.lang.String columnName, short x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given short value.
 void updateString(int columnIndex, java.lang.String x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given String object.
 void updateString(java.lang.String columnName, java.lang.String x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given String object.
 void updateTime(int columnIndex, java.sql.Time x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given Time object.
 void updateTime(java.lang.String columnName, java.sql.Time x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given Time object.
 void updateTimestamp(int columnIndex, java.sql.Timestamp x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given Timestamp object.
 void updateTimestamp(java.lang.String columnName, java.sql.Timestamp x)
          Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given Timestamp object.
 boolean wasNull()
          Reports whether the last column read was SQL NULL.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CachedRowSet()
Constructs a new default CachedRowSet object.

Method Detail


public boolean wasNull()
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Reports whether the last column read was SQL NULL. Note that you must first call the method getXXX on a column to try to read its value and then call the method wasNull to determine whether the value was SQL NULL.

Specified by:
wasNull in interface java.sql.ResultSet
true if the value in the last column read was SQL NULL; false otherwise
java.sql.SQLException - - if an error occurs


public void updateTimestamp(java.lang.String columnName,
                            java.sql.Timestamp x)
                     throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given Timestamp object. This method updates a column value in either the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateTimestamp in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name does not match the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, (3) the type of the designated column is not an SQL DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP, or (4) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateTimestamp(int columnIndex,
                            java.sql.Timestamp x)
                     throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given Timestamp object. This method updates a column value in either the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateTimestamp in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column index is out of bounds, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, (3) the type of the designated column is not an SQL DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP, or (4) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateTime(java.lang.String columnName,
                       java.sql.Time x)
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given Time object. This method updates a column value in either the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateTime in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name does not match the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, (3) the type of the designated column is not an SQL TIME or TIMESTAMP, or (4) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateTime(int columnIndex,
                       java.sql.Time x)
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given Time object. This method updates a column value in either the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into both rowset.

Specified by:
updateTime in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column index is out of bounds, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, (3) the type of the designated column is not an SQL TIME or TIMESTAMP, or (4) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateString(int columnIndex,
                         java.lang.String x)
                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given String object. This method updates a column value in either the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to mark the row as updated. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called to insert the new row into this rowset and mark it as inserted. The method acceptChanges must be called if the updated values are to be written back to the underlying database.

Specified by:
updateString in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column index is out of bounds, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateString(java.lang.String columnName,
                         java.lang.String x)
                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given String object. This method updates a column value in either the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateString in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name does not match the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateShort(int columnIndex,
                        short x)
                 throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given short value. This method updates a column value in the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateShort in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column index is out of bounds, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateShort(java.lang.String columnName,
                        short x)
                 throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given short value. This method updates a column value in the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateShort in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name does not match the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateRow()
               throws java.sql.SQLException
Marks the current row of this CachedRowSet object as updated and notifies listeners registered with this rowset that the row has changed.

Specified by:
updateRow in interface java.sql.ResultSet
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public void updateObject(int columnIndex,
                         java.lang.Object x)
                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given Object value. This method updates a column value in either the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateObject in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column index is out of bounds, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateObject(java.lang.String columnName,
                         java.lang.Object x,
                         int scale)
                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given Object value. The scale parameter indicates the number of digits to the right of the decimal point and is ignored if the new column value is not a type that will be mapped to an SQL DECIMAL or NUMERIC value. This method updates a column value in either the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateObject in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
x - the new column value
scale - the number of digits to the right of the decimal point (for DECIMAL and NUMERIC types only)
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name does not match the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateObject(java.lang.String columnName,
                         java.lang.Object x)
                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given Object value. This method updates a column value in either the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateObject in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name does not match the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateObject(int columnIndex,
                         java.lang.Object x,
                         int scale)
                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given Object value. The scale parameter indicates the number of digits to the right of the decimal point and is ignored if the new column value is not a type that will be mapped to an SQL DECIMAL or NUMERIC value. This method updates a column value in either the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateObject in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
x - the new column value
scale - the number of digits to the right of the decimal point (for DECIMAL and NUMERIC types only)
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column index is out of bounds, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateNull(int columnIndex)
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated nullable column in the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with null value. This method updates a column value in the current row or the insert row of this rowset; however, another method must be called to complete the update process. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to mark the row as updated and to notify listeners that the row has changed. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called to insert the new row into this rowset and to notify listeners that a row has changed. In order to propagate updates in this rowset to the underlying data source, an application must call the method acceptChanges() after it calls either updateRow or insertRow.

Specified by:
updateNull in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name does not match the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateNull(java.lang.String columnName)
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated nullable column in the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with null value. This method updates a column value in the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateNull in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name does not match the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateLong(int columnIndex,
                       long x)
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given long value. This method updates a column value in the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateLong in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column index is out of bounds, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateLong(java.lang.String columnName,
                       long x)
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given long value. This method updates a column value in the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateLong in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name does not match the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateInt(int columnIndex,
                      int x)
               throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given int value. This method updates a column value in the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateInt in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column index is out of bounds, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateInt(java.lang.String columnName,
                      int x)
               throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given int value. This method updates a column value in the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateInt in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name does not match the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateFloat(java.lang.String columnName,
                        float x)
                 throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given float value. This method updates a column value in the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateFloat in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name does not match the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateFloat(int columnIndex,
                        float x)
                 throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given float value. This method updates a column value in the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateFloat in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column index is out of bounds, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateDouble(java.lang.String columnName,
                         double x)
                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given double value. This method updates a column value in either the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateDouble in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name does not match the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateDouble(int columnIndex,
                         double x)
                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given double value. This method updates a column value in either the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateDouble in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column index is out of bounds, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateDate(java.lang.String columnName,
                       java.sql.Date x)
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given Date object. This method updates a column value in either the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateDate in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name does not match the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, (3) the type of the designated column is not an SQL DATE or TIMESTAMP, or (4) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateDate(int columnIndex,
                       java.sql.Date x)
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given Date object. This method updates a column value in either the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateDate in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column index is out of bounds, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, (3) the type of the designated column is not an SQL DATE or TIMESTAMP, or (4) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateCharacterStream(java.lang.String columnName,
                                  java.io.Reader reader,
                                  int length)
                           throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given java.io.Reader object. This method updates a column value in either the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateCharacterStream in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
reader - the new column value; must be a java.io.Reader containing BINARY, VARBINARY, LONGVARBINARY, CHAR, VARCHAR, or LONGVARCHAR data
length - the length of the stream in characters
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name does not match the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, (3) the data in the stream is not a binary or character type, or (4) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateCharacterStream(int columnIndex,
                                  java.io.Reader x,
                                  int length)
                           throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given java.io.Reader object. This method updates a column value in either the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateCharacterStream in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
x - the new column value; must be a java.io.Reader containing BINARY, VARBINARY, LONGVARBINARY, CHAR, VARCHAR, or LONGVARCHAR data
length - the length of the stream in characters
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column index is out of bounds, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, (3) the data in the stream is not a binary or character type, or (4) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateBytes(java.lang.String columnName,
                        byte[] x)
                 throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given byte array. This method updates a column value in either the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateBytes in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name does not match the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateBytes(int columnIndex,
                        byte[] x)
                 throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given byte value. This method updates a column value in the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateBytes in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column index is out of bounds, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateByte(java.lang.String columnName,
                       byte x)
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given byte value. This method updates a column value in the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateByte in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name does not match the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateByte(int columnIndex,
                       byte x)
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given byte value. This method updates a column value in the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateByte in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name does not match the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateBoolean(int columnIndex,
                          boolean x)
                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given boolean value. This method updates a column value in the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateBoolean in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column index is out of bounds, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateBoolean(java.lang.String columnName,
                          boolean x)
                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given boolean value. This method updates a column value in the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateBoolean in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name does not match the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateBinaryStream(int columnIndex,
                               java.io.InputStream x,
                               int length)
                        throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given java.io.InputStream object. This method updates a column value in either the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateBinaryStream in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
x - the new column value; must be a java.io.InputStream containing BINARY, VARBINARY, or LONGVARBINARY data
length - the length of the stream in bytes
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column index is out of bounds, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, (3) the data in the stream is not binary, or (4) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateBinaryStream(java.lang.String columnName,
                               java.io.InputStream x,
                               int length)
                        throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given java.io.InputStream object. This method updates a column value in either the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateBinaryStream in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
x - the new column value; must be a java.io.InputStream containing BINARY, VARBINARY, or LONGVARBINARY data
length - the length of the stream in bytes
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name does not match the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, (3) the data in the stream is not binary, or (4) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateBigDecimal(java.lang.String columnName,
                             java.math.BigDecimal x)
                      throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given java.math.BigDecimal object. This method updates a column value in the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateBigDecimal in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name does not match the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateBigDecimal(int columnIndex,
                             java.math.BigDecimal x)
                      throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given java.math.BigDecimal object. This method updates a column value in the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateBigDecimal in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
x - the new column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column index is out of bounds, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateAsciiStream(int columnIndex,
                              java.io.InputStream x,
                              int length)
                       throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given ASCII stream value. This method updates a column value in either the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateAsciiStream in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
x - the new column value
length - the number of one-byte ASCII characters in the stream
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name does not match the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void updateAsciiStream(java.lang.String columnName,
                              java.io.InputStream x,
                              int length)
                       throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated column in either the current row or the insert row of this CachedRowSet object with the given ASCII stream value. This method updates a column value in either the current row or the insert row of this rowset, but it does not update the database. If the cursor is on a row in the rowset, the method acceptChanges() must be called to update the database. If the cursor is on the insert row, the method insertRow() must be called, which will insert the new row into this rowset.

Specified by:
updateAsciiStream in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
x - the new column value
length - the number of one-byte ASCII characters in the stream
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name does not match the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public void setUsername(java.lang.String name)
Sets the username property for this rowset to the given user name. Because it is not serialized, the username property is set at runtime before calling the method execute.

Specified by:
setUsername in interface javax.sql.RowSet
name - the String object containing the user name that will be supplied to the data source to create a connection


public void setUrl(java.lang.String url)
            throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the URL property for this rowset to the given String object. This URL is used when the connection is created using a JDBC technology-enabled driver. Setting this property is optional. The driver will use either a URL or a data source name to create a connection, whichever was specified most recently. If an application uses a URL, it must load a JDBC driver that accepts the URL before it uses the rowset to connect to a database. The rowset will use the URL internally to create a database connection in order to read or write data.

Specified by:
setUrl in interface javax.sql.RowSet
url - a String object that contains the JDBC URL that will be used to establish the connection for this rowset; may be null
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public void setTypeMap(java.util.Map map)
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Installs the given java.util.Map object as the type map associated with the Connection object for this rowset. The custom mapping indicated in this type map will be used unless a different type map is explicitly supplied to a method, in which case the type map supplied will be used.

Specified by:
setTypeMap in interface javax.sql.RowSet
map - a java.util.Map object that contains the mapping from SQL type names for user-defined types to classes in the Java programming language
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public void setType(int type)
Sets the type for this rowset to the specified type. The default type is ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE.

Specified by:
setType in interface javax.sql.RowSet
type - one of the following constants: ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, or ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE


public void setTransactionIsolation(int level)
                             throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the transaction isolation property for this rowset to the given constant. The DBMS will use this transaction isolation level for transactions if it can.

Specified by:
setTransactionIsolation in interface javax.sql.RowSet
level - one of the following constants, listed in ascending order: Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE, Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED, Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED, Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ, or Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public void setTimestamp(int i,
                         java.sql.Timestamp x)
                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value in the Java programming programming language. The driver converts this to an SQL TIMESTAMP value when it sends it to the database. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setTimestamp in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - the parameter value
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public void setTimestamp(int i,
                         java.sql.Timestamp x,
                         java.util.Calendar cal)
                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp object. The driver converts this to an SQL TIMESTAMP value when it sends it to the database. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setTimestamp in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - a java.sql.Timestamp object representing an SQL TIMESTAMP value
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public void setTime(int i,
                    java.sql.Time x,
                    java.util.Calendar cal)
             throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time object. The driver converts this to an SQL TIME value when it sends it to the database. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setTime in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - a java.sql.Time object representing an SQL DATE value
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public void setTime(int i,
                    java.sql.Time x)
             throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value. The driver converts this to an SQL TIME value when it sends it to the database. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setTime in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - the parameter value
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public void setString(int i,
                      java.lang.String x)
               throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to the given String value. The driver converts this to an SQL VARCHAR or LONGVARCHAR value (depending on the argument's size relative to the driver's limits on VARCHAR values) when it sends it to the database. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setString in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - the parameter value
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public void setShort(int i,
                     short x)
              throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to the given short in the Java programming language. The driver converts this to an SQL SMALLINT value when it sends it to the database. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setShort in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - the parameter value
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public void setRef(int i,
                   java.sql.Ref x)
            throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to the given Ref object in the Java programming language. The driver converts this to an SQL REF value when it sends it to the database. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setRef in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - a Ref object representing an SQL REF value
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public void setReadOnly(boolean value)
                 throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets this rowset's readOnly property to the given boolean.

Specified by:
setReadOnly in interface javax.sql.RowSet
value - true to indicate that this rowset is read-only; false to indicate that it is updatable
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public void setQueryTimeout(int seconds)
                     throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets to the given number the maximum number of seconds the driver will wait for a query to execute. If the limit is exceeded, an SQLException is thrown.

Specified by:
setQueryTimeout in interface javax.sql.RowSet
seconds - the new query timeout limit in seconds; zero means that there is no limit
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public void setPassword(java.lang.String pword)
Sets the password used to create a database connection for this rowset to the given String object. Because the password property is not serialized, it is set at runtime before calling the method execute.

Specified by:
setPassword in interface javax.sql.RowSet
pword - the String object that represents the password that must be supplied to the database to create a connection


public void setObject(int i,
                      java.lang.Object x)
               throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to an Object in the Java programming language. The second parameter must be an Object type. For integral values, the java.lang equivalent objects should be used. For example, use the class Integer for an int. The JDBC specification defines a standard mapping from Java Object types to SQL types. The driver will use this standard mapping to convert the given object to its corresponding SQL type before sening it to the database. If the object has a custom mapping (is of a class implementing SQLData), the driver should call the method SQLData.writeSQL to write the object to the SQL data stream. If, on the other hand, the object is of a class implementing Ref, Blob, Clob, Struct, or Array, the driver should pass it to the database as a value of the corresponding SQL type. This method throws an exception if there is an ambiguity, for example, if the object is of a class implementing more than one interface. Note that this method may be used to pass datatabase-specific abstract data types. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setObject in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - the object containing the input parameter value
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs the parameter index is out of bounds, or there is ambiguity in the implementation of the object being set


public void setObject(int i,
                      java.lang.Object x,
                      int sqlType,
                      int scale)
               throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to an Object in the Java programming language. The second parameter must be an Object type. For integral values, the java.lang equivalent objects should be used. For example, use the class Integer for an int. The driver converts this object to the specified target SQL type before sending it to the database. If the object has a custom mapping (is of a class implementing SQLData), the driver should call the method SQLData.writeSQL to write the object to the SQL data stream. If, on the other hand, the object is of a class implementing Ref, Blob, Clob, Struct, or Array, the driver should pass it to the database as a value of the corresponding SQL type. Note: that this method may be used to pass datatabase- specific abstract data types. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setObject in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - the Object containing the input parameter value; must be an Object type
sqlType - the SQL type (as defined in java.sql.Types) to be sent to the database. The scale argument may further qualify this type.
scale - for the types java.sql.Types.DECIMAL and java.sql.Types.NUMERIC, this is the number of digits after the decimal point. For all other types, this value will be ignored.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public void setObject(int i,
                      java.lang.Object x,
                      int sqlType)
               throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given Object value. This method is like setObject above except that it assumes a scale of zero. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setObject in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - the Object containing the input parameter value; must be an Object type
sqlType - the SQL type (as defined in java.sql.Types) to be sent to the database.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public void setNull(int i,
                    int sqlType)
             throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL. Note that the parameter's SQL type must be specified. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setNull in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
sqlType - an int that is one of the SQL type codes defined in the class java.sql.Types
java.sql.SQLException - is a database access error occurs or the given parameter index is out of bounds


public void setNull(int i,
                    int sqlType,
                    java.lang.String typeName)
             throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL. This version of the method setNull should be used for user-defined types and REF type parameters. Examples of user-defined types include: STRUCT, DISTINCT, and JAVA_OBJECT, and named array types. Note: To be portable, applications must give the SQL type code and the fully-qualified SQL type name when specifying a NULL user-defined or REF parameter. In the case of a user-defined type, the name is the type name of the parameter itself. For a REF parameter, the name is the type name of the referenced type. If a JDBC technology-enabled driver does not need the type code or type name information, it may ignore it. Although it is intended for user-defined and REF parameters, this method may be used to set a null parameter of any JDBC type. If the parameter does not have a user-defined or REF type, the given typeName parameter is ignored. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setNull in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
sqlType - a value from java.sql.Types
typeName - the fully-qualified name of an SQL user-defined type, which is ignored if the parameter is not a user-defined type or REF value
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the given parameter index is out of bounds


public void setMaxRows(int max)
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the maximum number of rows that this rowset object may contain to the given number. If this limit is exceeded, the excess rows are silently dropped.

Specified by:
setMaxRows in interface javax.sql.RowSet
max - an int indicating the current maximum number of rows; zero means that there is no limit
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public void setMaxFieldSize(int max)
                     throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the maximum number of bytes that can be used for a column value in this rowset to the given number. This limit applies only to columns that hold values of the following types: BINARY, VARBINARY, LONGVARBINARY, CHAR, VARCHAR, and LONGVARCHAR. If the limit is exceeded, the excess data is silently discarded. For maximum portability, it is advisable to use values greater than 256.

Specified by:
setMaxFieldSize in interface javax.sql.RowSet
max - an int indicating the new maximum column size limit; zero means that there is no limit
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public void setLong(int i,
                    long x)
             throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to the given long in the Java programming language. The driver converts this to an SQL BIGINT value when it sends it to the database. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setLong in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - the parameter value
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public void setInt(int i,
                   int x)
            throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to an int in the Java programming language. The driver converts this to an SQL INTEGER value when it sends it to the database. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setInt in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - the parameter value
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public void setFloat(int i,
                     float x)
              throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to the given float in the Java programming language. The driver converts this to an SQL FLOAT value when it sends it to the database. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setFloat in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - the parameter value
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public void setFetchSize(int rows)
                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the fetch size for this rowset to the given number of rows. The fetch size gives a JDBC technology- enabled driver a hint as to the number of rows that should be fetched from the database when more rows are needed for this rowset. If the fetch size specified is zero, the driver ignores the value and is free to make its own best guess as to what the fetch size should be. The default fetch size is set by a Statement object when it creates a rowset, and the rowset may at any time use this method to change its fetch size.

Specified by:
setFetchSize in interface java.sql.ResultSet
rows - the number of rows to fetch; 0 to let the driver decide what the best fetch size is; must not be less than 0 or more than the maximum number of rows allowed for this rowset (the number returned by a call to the method getMaxRows())
java.sql.SQLException - if the specified fetch size is out of bounds


public void setFetchDirection(int direction)
                       throws java.sql.SQLException
Gives the driver a performance hint as to the direction in which the rows in this rowset will be processed. The driver may ignore this hint. The default fetch direction is set by the Statement object that created this rowset. The rowset may use this method at any time to change its setting for the fetch direction.

Specified by:
setFetchDirection in interface java.sql.ResultSet
direction - one of ResultSet.FETCH_FORWARD, ResultSet.FETCH_REVERSE, or ResultSet.FETCH_UNKNOWN
java.sql.SQLException - if the rowset type is TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY and the given fetch direction is not FETCH_FORWARD


public void setEscapeProcessing(boolean enable)
                         throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets to the given boolean whether or not the driver will scan for escape syntax and do escape substitution before sending SQL statements to the database. The default is for the driver to do escape processing. Note: Since PreparedStatement objects have usually been parsed prior to making this call, disabling escape processing for prepared statements will likely have no effect.

Specified by:
setEscapeProcessing in interface javax.sql.RowSet
enable - true to enable escape processing; false to disable it
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public void setDouble(int i,
                      double x)
               throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to the given double in the Java programming language. The driver converts this to an SQL DOUBLE value when it sends it to the database. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setDouble in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - the parameter value
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public void setDate(int i,
                    java.sql.Date x,
                    java.util.Calendar cal)
             throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date object. The driver converts this to an SQL DATE value when it sends it to the database. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setDate in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - a java.sql.Date object representing an SQL DATE value
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public void setDate(int i,
                    java.sql.Date x)
             throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date value. The driver converts this to an SQL DATE value when it sends it to the database. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setDate in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - the parameter value
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public void setDataSourceName(java.lang.String name)
Sets the data source property name for this rowset object to the given logical name for a data source and sets this rowset's URL property to null. Users should set either the url or data source name property. The driver will use the property set most recently to establish a connection.

Specified by:
setDataSourceName in interface javax.sql.RowSet


public void setConcurrency(int concurrency)
Sets the concurrency for this rowset to the specified concurrency. The default concurrency is ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE.

Specified by:
setConcurrency in interface javax.sql.RowSet
concurrency - one of the following constants: ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY or ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE


public void setCommand(java.lang.String cmd)
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets this CachedRowSet object's command property to the given String object and clears the parameters, if any, that were set for the previous command. The command property may not be needed if the rowset is produced by a data source, such as a spreadsheet, that does not support commands. Thus, this property is optional and may be null.

Specified by:
setCommand in interface javax.sql.RowSet
cmd - a String object containing an SQL query that will be set as the command; may be null
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public void setClob(int i,
                    java.sql.Clob x)
             throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to the given Clob object in the Java programming language. The driver converts this to an SQL CLOB value when it sends it to the database. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setClob in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - a Clob object representing an SQL CLOB value
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public void setCharacterStream(int i,
                               java.io.Reader x,
                               int length)
                        throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.io.Reader object, which will have the specified number of characters. The contents of the reader will be read and sent to the database. When a very large Unicode value is input to a LONGVARCHAR parameter, it may be more practical to send it via a Reader object. A JDBC technology-enabled driver will read the data from the stream as needed until it reaches end-of-file. The driver will do any necessary conversion from Unicode to the database CHAR format. The byte format of the Unicode stream must be Java UTF-8, as defined in the Java Virtual Machine Specification. Note: This stream object can either be a standard Java stream object or your own subclass that implements the standard interface. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setCharacterStream in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - the Reader object that contains the Unicode data
length - the number of characters in the stream
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public void setBytes(int i,
                     byte[] x)
              throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to the given array of bytes. The driver converts this to an SQL VARABINARY or LONGVARBINARY value (depending on the argument's size relative to the driver's limits on VARBINARY values) when it sends it to the database. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setBytes in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - the parameter value
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public void setByte(int i,
                    byte x)
             throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to the given byte in the Java programming language. The driver converts this to an SQL TINYINT value when it sends it to the database. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setByte in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - the parameter value
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public void setBoolean(int i,
                       boolean x)
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to the given boolean in the Java programming language. The driver converts this to an SQL BIT value when it sends it to the database. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setBoolean in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - the parameter value
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public void setBlob(int i,
                    java.sql.Blob x)
             throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to the given Blob object in the Java programming language. The driver converts this to an SQL BLOB value when it sends it to the database. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setBlob in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - a Blob object representing an SQL BLOB value
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public void setBinaryStream(int i,
                            java.io.InputStream x,
                            int length)
                     throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.io.InputStream in the Java programming language, which will have the specified number of bytes. The contents of the stream will be read and sent to the database. When a very large binary value is input to a LONGVARBINARY parameter, it may be more practical to send it via a java.io.InputStream object. A JDBC technology-enabled driver will read the data from the stream as needed until it reaches end-of-file. Note: This stream object can either be a standard Java stream object or your own subclass that implements the standard interface. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setBinaryStream in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - the java input stream that contains the binary parameter value
length - the number of bytes in the stream
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public void setBigDecimal(int i,
                          java.math.BigDecimal x)
                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.lang.BigDecimal value. The driver converts this to an SQL NUMERIC value when it sends it to the database. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setBigDecimal in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - the parameter value
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public void setAsciiStream(int i,
                           java.io.InputStream x,
                           int length)
                    throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.io.InputStream in the Java programming language, which will have the specified number of bytes. The contents of the stream will be read and sent to the database. When a very large ASCII value is input to a LONGVARCHAR parameter, it may be more practical to send it via a java.io.InputStream object. A JDBC technology-enabled driver will read the data from the stream as needed until it reaches end-of-file. The driver will do any necessary conversion from ASCII to the database CHAR format. Note: This stream object can be either a standard Java stream object or your own subclass that implements the standard interface. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setAsciiStream in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - the Java input stream that contains the ASCII parameter value
length - the number of bytes in the stream
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public void setArray(int i,
                     java.sql.Array x)
              throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to an Array object in the Java programming language. The driver converts this to an SQL ARRAY value when it sends it to the database. The parameter value set by this method is stored internally and will be supplied as the appropriate parameter in this rowset's command when the method execute is called.

Specified by:
setArray in interface javax.sql.RowSet
i - the index into this rowset object's internal representation of parameter values; the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or greater
x - an Array object representing an SQL ARRAY value
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the parameter index is out of bounds


public boolean rowUpdated()
                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Indicates whether the current row of this CachedRowSet object has been updated. The value returned depends on whether this rowset can detect updates: false will always be returned if it does not detect updates.

Specified by:
rowUpdated in interface java.sql.ResultSet
true if the row has been visibly updated by the owner or another and updates are detected; false otherwise


public boolean rowInserted()
                    throws java.sql.SQLException
Indicates whether the current row has been inserted. The value returned depends on whether or not the rowset can detect visible inserts.

Specified by:
rowInserted in interface java.sql.ResultSet
true if the row has been inserted and inserts are detected; false otherwise


public boolean rowDeleted()
                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Indicates whether the current row has been deleted. A deleted row may leave a visible "hole" in a rowset. This method can be used to detect such holes if the rowset can detect deletions. This method will always return false if this rowset cannot detect deletions.

Specified by:
rowDeleted in interface java.sql.ResultSet
true if the row has been deleted and deletions are detected; false otherwise


public void removeRowSetListener(javax.sql.RowSetListener listener)
Removes the designated object from this rowset's list of listeners. If the given argument is not a registered listener, this method does nothing.

Specified by:
removeRowSetListener in interface javax.sql.RowSet
listener - an object that is on the list of listeners for this RowSet object


public boolean relative(int rows)
                 throws java.sql.SQLException
Moves the cursor the specified number of rows from the current position, with a positive number moving it forward and a negative number moving it backward. If the number is positive, the cursor moves the specified number of rows toward the end of the rowset, starting at the current row. For example, the following command, in which crs is a CachedRowSet object with 100 rows, moves the cursor forward four rows from the current row. If the current row is 50, the cursor would move to row 54. crs.relative(4); If the number is negative, the cursor moves back toward the beginning the specified number of rows, starting at the current row.

Specified by:
relative in interface java.sql.ResultSet
rows - an int indicating the number of rows to move the cursor, starting at the current row; a positive number moves the cursor forward; a negative number moves the cursor backward; must not move the cursor past the valid rows
true if the cursor is on a row in this CachedRowSet object; false otherwise
java.sql.SQLException - if there are no rows in this rowset, the cursor is positioned either before the first row or after the last row


public void refreshRow()
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the current row with its original value and marks the row as not updated, thus undoing any changes made to the row. This method should be called only when the cursor is on a row in this rowset.

Specified by:
refreshRow in interface java.sql.ResultSet
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public boolean previous()
                 throws java.sql.SQLException
Moves this CachedRowSet object's cursor to the previous row and returns true if the cursor is on a valid row or false if it is not. This method also notifies all listeners registered with this CachedRowSet object that its cursor has moved. Note: calling the method previous() is not the same as calling the method relative(-1). This is true because it is possible to call previous() from the insert row, from after the last row, or from the current row, whereas relative may only be called from the current row. The method previous may used in a while loop to iterate through a rowset starting after the last row and moving toward the beginning. The loop ends when previous returns false, meaning that there are no more rows. For example, the following code fragment retrieves all the data in the CachedRowSet object crs, which has three columns. Note that the cursor must initially be positioned after the last row so that the first call to the method previous places the cursor on the last line. crs.afterLast(); while (previous()) { String name = crs.getString(1); int age = crs.getInt(2); short ssn = crs.getShort(3); System.out.println(name + " " + age + " " + ssn); }

Specified by:
previous in interface java.sql.ResultSet
true if the cursor is on a valid row; false otherwise
java.sql.SQLException - if the cursor is not on a valid position


public boolean next()
             throws java.sql.SQLException
Moves the cursor down one row from its current position and returns true if the new cursor position is a valid row. The cursor for a new ResultSet object is initially positioned before the first row. The first call to the method next moves the cursor to the first row, making it the current row; the second call makes the second row the current row, and so on. If an input stream from the previous row is open, it is implicitly closed. The ResultSet object's warning chain is cleared when a new row is read.

Specified by:
next in interface java.sql.ResultSet
true if the new current row is valid; false if there are no more rows
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the cursor is not positioned in the rowset, before the first row, or after the last row


public void moveToInsertRow()
Moves the cursor for this CachedRowSet object to the insert row. The current row in the rowset is remembered while the cursor is on the insert row. The insert row is a special row associated with an updatable rowset. It is essentially a buffer where a new row may be constructed by calling the appropriate updateXXX methods to assign a value to each column in the row. A complete row must be constructed; that is, every column that is not nullable must be assigned a value. In order for the new row to become part of this rowset, the method insertRow must be called before the cursor is moved back to the rowset. Only certain methods may be invoked while the cursor is on the insert row; many methods throw an exception if they are called while the cursor is there. In addition to the updateXXX and insertRow methods, only the getXXX methods may be called when the cursor is on the insert row. A getXXX method should be called on a column only after an updateXXX method has been called on that column; otherwise, the value returned is undetermined.

Specified by:
moveToInsertRow in interface java.sql.ResultSet


public void moveToCurrentRow()
Moves the cursor for this CachedRowSet object to the current row.

Specified by:
moveToCurrentRow in interface java.sql.ResultSet


public boolean last()
             throws java.sql.SQLException
Moves this CachedRowSet object's cursor to the last row and returns true if the operation was successful. This method also notifies registered listeners that the cursor has moved.

Specified by:
last in interface java.sql.ResultSet
true if the cursor is on a valid row; false otherwise or if there are no rows in this CachedRowSet object
java.sql.SQLException - if the type of this rowset is ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY


public boolean isReadOnly()
Returns a boolean indicating whether this rowset is read-only. Any attempts to update a read-only rowset will result in an SQLException being thrown. By default, rowsets are updatable if updates are possible.

Specified by:
isReadOnly in interface javax.sql.RowSet
true if this rowset cannot be updated; false otherwise


public boolean isLast()
               throws java.sql.SQLException
Indicates whether the cursor is on the last row in this CachedRowSet object. Note: Calling the method isLast may be expensive because the JDBC driver might need to fetch ahead one row in order to determine whether the current row is the last row in this rowset.

Specified by:
isLast in interface java.sql.ResultSet
true if the cursor is on the last row; false otherwise or if this rowset contains no rows
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public boolean isFirst()
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Indicates whether the cursor is on the first row in this CachedRowSet object.

Specified by:
isFirst in interface java.sql.ResultSet
true if the cursor is on the first row; false otherwise or if the rowset contains no rows
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public boolean isBeforeFirst()
                      throws java.sql.SQLException
Indicates whether the cursor is before the first row in this CachedRowSet object.

Specified by:
isBeforeFirst in interface java.sql.ResultSet
true if the cursor is before the first row; false otherwise or if the rowset contains no rows
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public boolean isAfterLast()
                    throws java.sql.SQLException
Indicates whether the cursor is after the last row in this CachedRowSet object.

Specified by:
isAfterLast in interface java.sql.ResultSet
true if the cursor is after the last row; false otherwise or if the rowset contains no rows
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public void insertRow()
               throws java.sql.SQLException
Inserts the contents of this CachedRowSet object's insert row into this rowset immediately following the current row. If the current row is the position after the last row or before the first row, the new row will be inserted at the end of the rowset. This method also notifies listeners registered with this rowset that the row has changed.

Specified by:
insertRow in interface java.sql.ResultSet
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the cursor is not on the insert row, (2) one or more of the non-nullable columns in the insert row has not been given a value, or (3) this rowset is ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY


public java.sql.SQLWarning getWarnings()
                                throws java.sql.SQLException
The first warning reported by calls on this CachedRowSet object is returned. Subsequent CachedRowSet warnings will be chained to this SQLWarning. The warning chain is automatically cleared each time a new row is read. Note: This warning chain only covers warnings caused by ResultSet methods. Any warning caused by statement methods (such as reading OUT parameters) will be chained on the Statement object.

Specified by:
getWarnings in interface java.sql.ResultSet
the first SQLWarning or null
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public java.lang.String getUsername()
Returns the user name used to create a database connection. Because it is not serialized, the username property is set at runtime before calling the method execute.

Specified by:
getUsername in interface javax.sql.RowSet
the String object containing the user name that is supplied to the data source to create a connection


public java.lang.String getUrl()
                        throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the URL that was used to create the connection between this rowset and the source of its data, which is a relational database using a JDBC technology-enabled driver. This property will be null if the underlying data source is a non-SQL data source, such as a spreadsheet.

Specified by:
getUrl in interface javax.sql.RowSet
a String object that contains the JDBC URL used to establish the connection for this rowset object;may be null
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public java.io.InputStream getUnicodeStream(int columnIndex)
                                     throws java.sql.SQLException
Deprecated. A column value can be retrieved as a stream of Unicode characters and then read in chunks from the stream. This method is particularly suitable for retrieving large LONGVARCHAR values. The JDBC driver will do any necessary conversion from the database format into Unicode. Note: All the data in the returned stream must be read prior to getting the value of any other column. The next call to a get method implicitly closes the stream. . Also, a stream may return 0 for available() whether there is data available or not.

Specified by:
getUnicodeStream in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
a Java input stream that delivers the database column value as a stream of two byte Unicode characters.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public java.io.InputStream getUnicodeStream(java.lang.String columnName)
                                     throws java.sql.SQLException
Deprecated. use the method getCharacterStream instead Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a java.io.InputStream object. A column value can be retrieved as a stream of Unicode characters and then read in chunks from the stream. This method is particularly suitable for retrieving large LONGVARCHAR values. The JDBC driver will do any necessary conversion from the database format into Unicode. Note: All the data in the returned stream must be read prior to getting the value of any other column. The next call to a getXXX method implicitly closes the stream.

Specified by:
getUnicodeStream in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object giving the SQL name of a column in this CachedRowSet object
a Java input stream that delivers the database column value as a stream of two-byte Unicode characters.
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column name does not match one of this rowset's column names or the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row


public java.util.Map getTypeMap()
                         throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the type map associated with the Connection object for this rowset. Drivers that support the JDBC 2.0 core API will create Connection objects with an associated type map. This type map, which is initially empty, can contain one or more fully-qualified SQL names and Class objects indicating the class to which the named SQL value will be mapped. The type mapping specified in the connection's type map is used for custom type mapping when no other type map supersedes it. If a type map is explicitly supplied to a method that can perform custom mapping, that type map supersedes the connection's type map.

Specified by:
getTypeMap in interface javax.sql.RowSet
the java.util.Map object that is the type map for this rowset's connection
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public int getType()
            throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns the type of this rowset. The type is initially determined by the statement that created the rowset. The rowset can call the method setType at any time to change its type. The default is TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE.

Specified by:
getType in interface java.sql.ResultSet
the type of this rowset object, which must be one of the following: ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, or ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public int getTransactionIsolation()
Returns the transaction isolation property for this rowset' connection. This property represents the transaction isolation level requested for use in transactions.

Specified by:
getTransactionIsolation in interface javax.sql.RowSet


public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(int columnIndex,
                                       java.util.Calendar cal)
                                throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.sql.Timestamp object, using the given Calendar object to construct an appropriate millisecond value for the date.

Specified by:
getTimestamp in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in the rowset
cal - the java.util.Calendar object to use in constructing the date
the column value; if the value is SQL NULL, the result is null
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name is not the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) the designated column does not store an SQL TIME or TIMESTAMP value


public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(java.lang.String columnName)
                                throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a java.sql.Timestamp object.

Specified by:
getTimestamp in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object giving the SQL name of a column in this CachedRowSet object
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column name does not match one of this rowset's column names or the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row


public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(java.lang.String columnName,
                                       java.util.Calendar cal)
                                throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.sql.Timestamp object, using the given Calendar object to construct an appropriate millisecond value for the date.

Specified by:
getTimestamp in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
cal - the java.util.Calendar object to use in constructing the date
the column value; if the value is SQL NULL, the result is null
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name is not the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) the designated column does not store an SQL DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP value


public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(int columnIndex)
                                throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.sql.Timestamp object.

Specified by:
getTimestamp in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in the rowset
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column index is out of bounds, the cursor is not on a valid row, or this method fails


public java.sql.Time getTime(java.lang.String columnName,
                             java.util.Calendar cal)
                      throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.sql.Time object, using the given Calendar object to construct an appropriate millisecond value for the date.

Specified by:
getTime in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
cal - the java.util.Calendar object to use in constructing the date
the column value; if the value is SQL NULL, the result is null
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name is not the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) the designated column does not store an SQL TIME or TIMESTAMP value


public java.sql.Time getTime(java.lang.String columnName)
                      throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a java.sql.Time object.

Specified by:
getTime in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object giving the SQL name of a column in this CachedRowSet object
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column name does not match one of this rowset's column names or the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row


public java.sql.Time getTime(int columnIndex)
                      throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.sql.Time object.

Specified by:
getTime in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in the rowset
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column index is out of bounds, the cursor is not on a valid row, or this method fails


public java.sql.Time getTime(int columnIndex,
                             java.util.Calendar cal)
                      throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.sql.Time object, using the given Calendar object to construct an appropriate millisecond value for the date.

Specified by:
getTime in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in the rowset
cal - the java.util.Calendar object to use in constructing the date
the column value; if the value is SQL NULL, the result is null
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name is not the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) the designated column does not store an SQL TIME or TIMESTAMP value


public java.lang.String getString(int columnIndex)
                           throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a String object.

Specified by:
getString in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in the rowset
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column index is out of bounds or the cursor is not on a valid row


public java.lang.String getString(java.lang.String columnName)
                           throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a String object.

Specified by:
getString in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object giving the SQL name of a column in this CachedRowSet object
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column name does not match one of this rowset's column names or the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row


public java.sql.Statement getStatement()
                                throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the statement of this CachedRowSet object.

Specified by:
getStatement in interface java.sql.ResultSet
the statement as a java.sql.Statement object
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public short getShort(int columnIndex)
               throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a short value.

Specified by:
getShort in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in the rowset
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column index is out of bounds, the cursor is not on a valid row, or this method fails


public short getShort(java.lang.String columnName)
               throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a short value.

Specified by:
getShort in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object giving the SQL name of a column in this CachedRowSet object
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column name does not match one of this rowset's column names or the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row


public int getRow()
           throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns the number of the current row in this CachedRowSet object. The first row is number 1, the second number 2, and so on.

Specified by:
getRow in interface java.sql.ResultSet
the number of the current row
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or there is no current row


public java.sql.Ref getRef(int columnIndex)
                    throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in this CachedRowSet object as a Ref object in the Java programming lanugage.

Specified by:
getRef in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
a Ref object representing an SQL REF value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column index is out of bounds, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) the designated column does not store an SQL REF value


public java.sql.Ref getRef(java.lang.String columnName)
                    throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in this CachedRowSet object as a Ref object in the Java programming lanugage.

Specified by:
getRef in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
a Ref object representing an SQL REF value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name is not the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) the column value is not an SQL REF value


public int getQueryTimeout()
                    throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the maximum number of seconds the driver will wait for a query to execute. If the limit is exceeded, an SQLException is thrown.

Specified by:
getQueryTimeout in interface javax.sql.RowSet
the current query timeout limit in seconds; zero means that there is no limit
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public java.lang.String getPassword()
Returns the password used to create a database connection for this rowset. Because the password property is not serialized, it is set at runtime before calling the method execute.

Specified by:
getPassword in interface javax.sql.RowSet
the String object that represents the password that must be supplied to the database to create a connection


public java.lang.Object getObject(java.lang.String columnName)
                           throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as an Object value. The type of the Object will be the default Java object type corresponding to the column's SQL type, following the mapping for built-in types specified in the JDBC specification. This method may also be used to read datatabase-specific abstract data types.

Specified by:
getObject in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
a java.lang.Object holding the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name does not match one of this rowset's column names, (2) the cursor is not on a valid row, or (3) there is a problem getting the Class object for a custom mapping


public java.lang.Object getObject(int columnIndex)
                           throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as an Object value. The type of the Object will be the default Java object type corresponding to the column's SQL type, following the mapping for built-in types specified in the JDBC specification. This method may also be used to read datatabase-specific abstract data types.

Specified by:
getObject in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in the rowset
a java.lang.Object holding the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column index is out of bounds, the cursor is not on a valid row, or there is a problem getting the Class object for a custom mapping


public java.lang.Object getObject(int columnIndex,
                                  java.util.Map map)
                           throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in this CachedRowSet object as an Object in the Java programming lanugage, using the given java.util.Map object to custom map the value if appropriate.

Specified by:
getObject in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
map - a java.util.Map object showing the mapping from SQL type names to classes in the Java programming language
an Object representing the SQL value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column index is out of bounds or the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row


public java.lang.Object getObject(java.lang.String columnName,
                                  java.util.Map map)
                           throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in this CachedRowSet object as an Object in the Java programming lanugage, using the given java.util.Map object to custom map the value if appropriate.

Specified by:
getObject in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
map - a java.util.Map object showing the mapping from SQL type names to classes in the Java programming language
an Object representing the SQL value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column name is not the name of a column in this rowset or the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row


public java.sql.ResultSetMetaData getMetaData()
                                       throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the ResultSetMetaData object that contains information about this CachedRowsSet object. The information includes the number of columns, the data type for each column, and other properties for each column.

Specified by:
getMetaData in interface java.sql.ResultSet
the ResultSetMetaData object that describes this CachedRowSet object's columns
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public int getMaxRows()
               throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the maximum number of rows that this rowset may contain. If this limit is exceeded, the excess rows are silently dropped.

Specified by:
getMaxRows in interface javax.sql.RowSet
an int indicating the current maximum number of rows; zero means that there is no limit
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public int getMaxFieldSize()
                    throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the maximum number of bytes that can be used for a column value in this rowset. This limit applies only to columns that hold values of the following types: BINARY, VARBINARY, LONGVARBINARY, CHAR, VARCHAR, and LONGVARCHAR. If the limit is exceeded, the excess data is silently discarded.

Specified by:
getMaxFieldSize in interface javax.sql.RowSet
an int indicating the current maximum column size limit; zero means that there is no limit
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public long getLong(java.lang.String columnName)
             throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a long value.

Specified by:
getLong in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object giving the SQL name of a column in this CachedRowSet object
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column name does not match one of this rowset's column names or the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row


public long getLong(int columnIndex)
             throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a long value.

Specified by:
getLong in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in the rowset
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column index is out of bounds, the cursor is not on a valid row, or this method fails


public int getInt(java.lang.String columnName)
           throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as an int value.

Specified by:
getInt in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object giving the SQL name of a column in this CachedRowSet object
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column name does not match one of this rowset's column names or the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row


public int getInt(int columnIndex)
           throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a short value.

Specified by:
getInt in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in the rowset
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column index is out of bounds, the cursor is not on a valid row, or this method fails


public float getFloat(int columnIndex)
               throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a float value.

Specified by:
getFloat in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in the rowset
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column index is out of bounds, the cursor is not on a valid row, or this method fails


public float getFloat(java.lang.String columnName)
               throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a float value.

Specified by:
getFloat in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object giving the SQL name of a column in this CachedRowSet object
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column name does not match one of this rowset's column names or the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row


public int getFetchSize()
                 throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns the fetch size for this rowset.

Specified by:
getFetchSize in interface java.sql.ResultSet
the number of rows suggested as the fetch size when this rowset needs more rows from the database
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public int getFetchDirection()
                      throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves this rowset's current setting for the fetch direction.

Specified by:
getFetchDirection in interface java.sql.ResultSet
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public boolean getEscapeProcessing()
                            throws java.sql.SQLException
Ascertains whether escape processing is enabled for this rowset.

Specified by:
getEscapeProcessing in interface javax.sql.RowSet
true if escape processing is turned on; false otherwise
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public double getDouble(int columnIndex)
                 throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a double value.

Specified by:
getDouble in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in the rowset
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column index is out of bounds, the cursor is not on a valid row, or this method fails


public double getDouble(java.lang.String columnName)
                 throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a double value.

Specified by:
getDouble in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object giving the SQL name of a column in this CachedRowSet object
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column name does not match one of this rowset's column names or the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row


public java.sql.Date getDate(java.lang.String columnName)
                      throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a java.sql.Date object.

Specified by:
getDate in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object giving the SQL name of a column in this CachedRowSet object
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column name does not match one of this rowset's column names or the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row


public java.sql.Date getDate(int columnIndex,
                             java.util.Calendar cal)
                      throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.sql.Date object, using the given Calendar object to construct an appropriate millisecond value for the date.

Specified by:
getDate in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in the rowset
cal - the java.util.Calendar object to use in constructing the date
the column value; if the value is SQL NULL, the result is null
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name is not the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) the designated column does not store an SQL DATE or TIMESTAMP value


public java.sql.Date getDate(int columnIndex)
                      throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.sql.Date object.

Specified by:
getDate in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in the rowset
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column index is out of bounds, the cursor is not on a valid row, or this method fails


public java.sql.Date getDate(java.lang.String columnName,
                             java.util.Calendar cal)
                      throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.sql.Date object, using the given Calendar object to construct an appropriate millisecond value for the date.

Specified by:
getDate in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
cal - the java.util.Calendar object to use in constructing the date
the column value; if the value is SQL NULL, the result is null
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name is not the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) the designated column does not store an SQL DATE or TIMESTAMP value


public java.lang.String getDataSourceName()
Returns the logical name that when supplied to a naming service that uses the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) API, will retrieve a javax.sql.DataSource object. This DataSource object can be used to establish a connection to the data source that it represents. Users should set either the url or the data source name property. The driver will use the property set most recently to establish a connection.

Specified by:
getDataSourceName in interface javax.sql.RowSet
a String object that identifies a DataSource object to be used for making a connection


public java.lang.String getCursorName()
                               throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the name of the SQL cursor used by this CachedRowSet object. In SQL, a result table is retrieved through a cursor that is named. The current row of a result can be updated or deleted using a positioned update/delete statement that references the cursor name. To insure that the cursor has the proper isolation level to support an update operation, the cursor's SELECT statement should be of the form 'select for update'. If the 'for update' clause is omitted, positioned updates may fail. JDBC supports this SQL feature by providing the name of the SQL cursor used by a ResultSet object. The current row of a result set is also the current row of this SQL cursor. Note: If positioned updates are not supported, an SQLException is thrown.

Specified by:
getCursorName in interface java.sql.ResultSet
the SQL cursor name for this CachedRowSet object's cursor
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public int getConcurrency()
                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns the concurrency for this rowset. The concurrency is initially determined by the statement that created the rowset. The rowset can call the method setConcurrency at any time to change its concurrency. The default is CONCUR_UPDATABLE.

Specified by:
getConcurrency in interface java.sql.ResultSet
the concurrency type for this rowset object, which must be one of the following: ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY or ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public java.lang.String getCommand()
Retrieves the SQL query that is the command for this rowset. The command property contains the query that will be executed to populate this rowset. This command is used by the rowset's reader when reading new data for the rowset from a database. The default value is null.

Specified by:
getCommand in interface javax.sql.RowSet
the String that is the value for this rowset's command property; may be null


public java.sql.Clob getClob(int columnIndex)
                      throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in this CachedRowSet object as a Clob object in the Java programming lanugage.

Specified by:
getClob in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
a Clob object representing an SQL CLOB value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column index is out of bounds, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) the designated column does not store an SQL CLOB value


public java.sql.Clob getClob(java.lang.String columnName)
                      throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in this CachedRowSet object as a Clob object in the Java programming lanugage.

Specified by:
getClob in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
a Clob object representing an SQL CLOB value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name is not the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) the designated column does not store an SQL CLOB value


public java.io.Reader getCharacterStream(int columnIndex)
                                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a java.io.Reader object. Note: All the data in the returned stream must be read prior to getting the value of any other column. The next call to a getXXX method implicitly closes the stream.

Specified by:
getCharacterStream in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in the rowset
a Java character stream that delivers the database column value as a java.io.Reader object.
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column index is out of bounds, the cursor is not on a valid row, or there is a type mismatch


public java.io.Reader getCharacterStream(java.lang.String columnName)
                                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a java.io.Reader object. Note: All the data in the returned stream must be read prior to getting the value of any other column. The next call to a getXXX method implicitly closes the stream.

Specified by:
getCharacterStream in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object giving the SQL name of a column in this CachedRowSet object
a Java input stream that delivers the database column value as a stream of two-byte Unicode characters.
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column index is out of bounds, the cursor is not on a valid row, or there is a type mismatch


public byte[] getBytes(int columnIndex)
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a byte array value.

Specified by:
getBytes in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in the rowset
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column index is out of bounds, the cursor is not on a valid row, or the the value to be retrieved is not binary


public byte[] getBytes(java.lang.String columnName)
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a byte array. The bytes represent the raw values returned by the driver.

Specified by:
getBytes in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object giving the SQL name of a column in this CachedRowSet object
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column name does not match one of this rowset's column names or the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row


public byte getByte(java.lang.String columnName)
             throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a byte value.

Specified by:
getByte in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object giving the SQL name of a column in this CachedRowSet object
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column name does not match one of this rowset's column names or the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row


public byte getByte(int columnIndex)
             throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a byte value.

Specified by:
getByte in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in the rowset
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column index is out of bounds, the cursor is not on a valid row, or this method fails


public boolean getBoolean(int columnIndex)
                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a boolean value.

Specified by:
getBoolean in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in the rowset
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column index is out of bounds, the cursor is not on a valid row, or this method fails


public boolean getBoolean(java.lang.String columnName)
                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a boolean value.

Specified by:
getBoolean in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object giving the SQL name of a column in this CachedRowSet object
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column name does not match one of this rowset's column names or the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row


public java.sql.Blob getBlob(int columnIndex)
                      throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in this CachedRowSet object as a Blob object in the Java programming lanugage.

Specified by:
getBlob in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
a Blob object representing an SQL BLOB value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column index is out of bounds, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) the designated column does not store an SQL BLOB value


public java.sql.Blob getBlob(java.lang.String columnName)
                      throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in this CachedRowSet object as a Blob object in the Java programming lanugage.

Specified by:
getBlob in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
a Blob object representing an SQL BLOB value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name is not the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) the designated column does not store an SQL BLOB value


public java.io.InputStream getBinaryStream(java.lang.String columnName)
                                    throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a java.io.InputStream object. A column value can be retrieved as a stream of uninterpreted bytes and then read in chunks from the stream. This method is particularly suitable for retrieving large LONGVARBINARY values. Note: All the data in the returned stream must be read prior to getting the value of any other column. The next call to a get method implicitly closes the stream.

Specified by:
getBinaryStream in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object giving the SQL name of a column in this CachedRowSet object
a Java input stream that delivers the database column value as a stream of uninterpreted bytes.
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column name does not match one of this rowset's column names or the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row


public java.io.InputStream getBinaryStream(int columnIndex)
                                    throws java.sql.SQLException
A column value can be retrieved as a stream of uninterpreted bytes and then read in chunks from the stream. This method is particularly suitable for retrieving large LONGVARBINARY values. Note: All the data in the returned stream must be read prior to getting the value of any other column. The next call to a get method implicitly closes the stream. Also, a stream may return 0 for available() whether there is data available or not.

Specified by:
getBinaryStream in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in the rowset
a Java input stream that delivers the database column value as a stream of uninterpreted bytes.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int columnIndex,
                                          int scale)
                                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Deprecated. Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.math.BigDecimal object. This method is deprecated; use the version of getBigDecimal that does not take a scale parameter and returns a value with full precision.

Specified by:
getBigDecimal in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in the rowset
scale - the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the value returned
the column value with the specified number of digits to the right of the decimal point; if the value is SQL NULL, the result is null
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column index is out of bounds, the cursor is not on a valid row, or this method fails


public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(java.lang.String columnName,
                                          int scale)
                                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Deprecated. use the method getBigDecimal(String columnName) instead Retrieves the value stored in the designated column of the current row as a java.math.BigDecimal object.

Specified by:
getBigDecimal in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object giving the SQL name of a column in this CachedRowSet object
scale - the number of digits to the right of the decimal point
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column name does not match one of this rowset's column names or the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row


public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(java.lang.String columnName)
                                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.math.BigDecimal object.

Specified by:
getBigDecimal in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
a java.math.BigDecimal value with full precision
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column index is out of bounds, the cursor is not on a valid row, or this method fails


public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int columnIndex)
                                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.math.BigDecimal object.

Specified by:
getBigDecimal in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in the rowset
a java.math.BigDecimal value with full precision
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column index is out of bounds, the cursor is not on a valid row, or this method fails


public java.io.InputStream getAsciiStream(int columnIndex)
                                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object as a java.sql.Timestamp object.

Specified by:
getAsciiStream in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in the rowset
the column value
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column index is out of bounds, the cursor is not on a valid row, or this method fails


public java.io.InputStream getAsciiStream(java.lang.String columnName)
                                   throws java.sql.SQLException
A column value can be retrieved as a stream of ASCII characters and then read in chunks from the stream. This method is particularly suitable for retrieving large LONGVARCHAR values. The JDBC driver will do any necessary conversion from the database format into ASCII format. Note: All the data in the returned stream must be read prior to getting the value of any other column. The next call to a getXXX method implicitly closes the stream.

Specified by:
getAsciiStream in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object giving the SQL name of a column in this CachedRowSet object
a Java input stream that delivers the database column value as a stream of one-byte ASCII characters.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public java.sql.Array getArray(int columnIndex)
                        throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in this CachedRowSet object as an Array object in the Java programming lanugage.

Specified by:
getArray in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnIndex - the first column is 1, the second is 2, and so on; must be 1 or larger and equal to or less than the number of columns in this rowset
an Array object representing an SQL ARRAY value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column index is out of bounds, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) the designated column does not store an SQL ARRAY value


public java.sql.Array getArray(java.lang.String columnName)
                        throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the value of the designated column in this CachedRowSet object as an Array object in the Java programming lanugage.

Specified by:
getArray in interface java.sql.ResultSet
columnName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
an Array object representing an SQL ARRAY value
java.sql.SQLException - if (1) the given column name is not the name of a column in this rowset, (2) the cursor is not on one of this rowset's rows or its insert row, or (3) the designated column does not store an SQL ARRAY value


public boolean first()
              throws java.sql.SQLException
Moves this CachedRowSet object's cursor to the first row and returns true if the operation was successful. This method also notifies registered listeners that the cursor has moved.

Specified by:
first in interface java.sql.ResultSet
true if the cursor is on a valid row; false otherwise or if there are no rows in this CachedRowSet object
java.sql.SQLException - if the type of this rowset is ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY


public int findColumn(java.lang.String colName)
               throws java.sql.SQLException
Maps the given column name for one of this CachedRowSet object's columns to its column number.

Specified by:
findColumn in interface java.sql.ResultSet
colName - a String object that must match the SQL name of a column in this rowset, ignoring case
the column index of the given column name
java.sql.SQLException - if the given column name does not match one of this rowset's column names


public void execute()
             throws java.sql.SQLException
Populates this CachedRowSet object with data. This form of the method uses the rowset's user, password, and url or data source name properties to create a database connection. If properties that are needed have not been set, this method will throw an exception. Another form of this method uses an existing JDBC Connection object instead of creating a new one; therefore, it ignores the properties used for establishing a new connection. The query specified by the command property is executed to create a ResultSet object from which to retrieve data. The current contents of the rowset are discarded, and the rowset's metadata is also (re)set. If there are outstanding updates, they are also ignored. The method execute closes any database connections that it creates.

Specified by:
execute in interface javax.sql.RowSet
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or the necessary properties have not been set


public void deleteRow()
               throws java.sql.SQLException
Deletes the current row from this CachedRowSet object and notifies listeners registered with this rowset that a row has changed. This method set the Cursor to the next row! This method marks the current row as deleted, but it does not delete the row from the underlying data source. The method acceptChanges must be called to delete the row in the data source.

Specified by:
deleteRow in interface java.sql.ResultSet
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public void close()
           throws java.sql.SQLException
Releases the current contents of this rowset, discarding outstanding updates. The rowset contains no rows after the method release is called. This method sends a RowSetChangedEvent object to all registered listeners prior to returning.

Specified by:
close in interface java.sql.ResultSet
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public void clearWarnings()
                   throws java.sql.SQLException
After a call to this method, the getWarnings method returns null until a new warning is reported for this CachedRowSet object.

Specified by:
clearWarnings in interface java.sql.ResultSet
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public void clearParameters()
                     throws java.sql.SQLException
Clears all of the current parameter values in this rowset's internal representation of the parameters to be set in this rowset's command when it is executed. In general, parameter values remain in force for repeated use in this rowset's command. Setting a parameter value with the setXXX methods automatically clears the value of the designated parameter and replaces it with the new specified value. This method is called internally by the setCommand method to clear all of the parameters set for the previous command.

Specified by:
clearParameters in interface javax.sql.RowSet
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public void cancelRowUpdates()
                      throws java.sql.SQLException
Rolls back any updates made to the current row of this CachedRowSet object and notifies listeners that a row has changed.

Specified by:
cancelRowUpdates in interface java.sql.ResultSet


public void beforeFirst()
Moves this CachedRowSet object's cursor to the front of the rowset, just before the first row. This method has no effect if this rowset contains no rows.

Specified by:
beforeFirst in interface java.sql.ResultSet


public void afterLast()
               throws java.sql.SQLException
Moves this CachedRowSet object's cursor to the end of the rowset, just after the last row. This method has no effect if this rowset contains no rows.

Specified by:
afterLast in interface java.sql.ResultSet
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public void addRowSetListener(javax.sql.RowSetListener listener)
Registers the designated object as a listener for this rowset. The listener will be notified whenever an event occurs on this rowset. A listener might, for example, be a table or graph that needs to be updated in order to accurately reflect the current state of the rowset.

Specified by:
addRowSetListener in interface javax.sql.RowSet
listener - an object that has implemented the RowSetListener interface and wants to be notified of changes in this rowset


public boolean absolute(int row)
                 throws java.sql.SQLException
Moves this CachedRowSet object's cursor to the row number specified. If the number is positive, the cursor moves to an absolute row with respect to the beginning of the rowset. The first row is row 1, the second is row 2, and so on. For example, the following command, in which crs is a CachedRowSet object, moves the cursor to the fourth row, starting from the beginning of the rowset. crs.absolute(4); If the number is negative, the cursor moves to an absolute row position with respect to the end of the rowset. For example, calling absolute(-1) positions the cursor on the last row, absolute(-2) moves it on the next-to-last row, and so on. If the CachedRowSet object crs has five rows, the following command moves the cursor to the fourth-to-last row, which in the case of a rowset with five rows, is also the second row, counting from the beginning. crs.absolute(-4); If the number specified is larger than the number of rows, the cursor will move to the position after the last row. If the number specified would move the cursor one or more rows before the first row, the cursor moves to the position before the first row. Note: Calling absolute(1) is the same as calling the method first(). Calling absolute(-1) is the same as calling last().

Specified by:
absolute in interface java.sql.ResultSet
row - a positive number to indicate the row, starting row numbering from the first row, which is 1; a negative number to indicate the row, starting row numbering from the last row, which is -1; must not be 0
true if the cursor is on the rowset; false otherwise
java.sql.SQLException - - if the given cursor position is 0


public boolean getShowDeleted()
                       throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves a boolean indicating whether rows marked for deletion appear in the set of current rows. The default value is false. Note: Allowing deleted rows to remain visible complicates the behavior of some of the methods. However, most rowset users can simply ignore this extra detail because only sophisticated applications will likely want to take advantage of this feature.

true if deleted rows are visible; false otherwise
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public void setShowDeleted(boolean value)
                    throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the property showDeleted to the given boolean value, which determines whether rows marked for deletion appear in the set of current rows.

value - true if deleted rows should be shown; false otherwise
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public void populate(java.sql.ResultSet data)
              throws java.sql.SQLException
Populates this CachedRowSet object with data from the given ResultSet object. This method is an alternative to the method execute for filling the rowset with data. The method populate does not require that the properties needed by the method execute, such as the command property, be set. This is true because the method populate is given the ResultSet object from which to get data and thus does not need to use the properties required for setting up a connection and executing this CachedRowSet object's command. After populating this rowset with data, the method populate sets the rowset's metadata and then sends a RowSetChangedEvent object to all registered listeners prior to returning. NOTE: You can only use ReslutSets from this driver and you can not use ReslutSets with database cursors!!

data - the ResultSet object containing the data to be read into this CachedRowSet object
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public void execute(java.sql.Connection con)
             throws java.sql.SQLException
Populates this CachedRowSet object with data, using the given connection to produce the result set from which data will be read. A second form of this method, which takes no arguments, uses the values from this rowset's user, password, and either url or data source properties to create a new database connection. The form of execute that is given a connection ignores these properties. The method execute closes any database connections that it creates, so the rowset is disconnected from its data source except while this method is being executed. The current contents of the rowset are discarded and the rowset's metadata is also (re)set. If there are outstanding updates, they are ignored.



public void acceptChanges()
                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Propagates all row update, insert, and delete changes to the underlying data source backing this CachedRowSet object. When the method acceptChanges executes successfully, it replaces the original value of the rowset with the current value. If it fails, it throws an SQLException. This method may be called immediately after the methods updateRow, insertRow, or deleteRow have been called, but it is more efficient to call it only once after all changes have been made. NOTE: A rowset keeps track of both its original and current values. The original state is the value of the rowset following its creation (that is, when it is empty) or following the last call to one of the following methods: acceptChanges, execute, populate, release, or restoreOriginal.

java.sql.SQLException - if the cursor is on the insert row or this method failed


public void acceptChanges(java.sql.Connection con)
                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Propagates all row update, insert, and delete changes to the data source backing this CachedRowSet object using the given Connection object. This form of the method acceptChanges is similar to the form that takes no arguments; however, unlike the other form, this form can be used only when the underlying data source is a JDBC data source.

con - a database connection
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public void restoreOriginal()
                     throws java.sql.SQLException
Restores this CachedRowSet object to its original state, that is, its state before the last set of changes. If there have been no chages to the rowset, its original value is its initial value; otherwise, its original value is the value it had immediately before its current value. When this method is called, the original value of the rowset becomes the current value. All updates, inserts, and deletes that have been made to the current rowset are lost. Before returning, this method moves the cursor before the first row and sends a RowSetChangedEvent object to all registered listeners. Set the cursor before the first row!

java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public void release()
             throws java.sql.SQLException
Releases the current contents of this CachedRowSet object and sends a RowSetChangedEvent object to all registered listeners. Any outstanding updates are discarded, and the rowset contains no rows after this method is called. Set the cursor before the first row!

java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public void cancelRowDelete()
                     throws java.sql.SQLException
Cancels deletion of the current row and notifies listeners that a row has changed. After calling the method cancelRowDelete, the current row is no longer marked for deletion. This method throws an exception if the cursor is before the first row, after the last row, or on the insert row.

java.sql.SQLException - if the cursor is not on a valid row


public void cancelRowInsert()
                     throws java.sql.SQLException
Immediately removes the current row from this CachedRowSet object if the row has been inserted, and also notifies listeners that a row has changed. An exception is thrown if the cursor is before the first row, after the last row, or on the insert row. This operation cannot be undone.

java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs, the cursor is not on a valid row, or the row has not been inserted


public javax.sql.RowSet createShared()
                              throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns a new RowSet object backed by the same data as that of this CachedRowSet object. Updates made by a shared duplicate are visible to the original rowset and other duplicates. A rowset and its duplicates form a set of cursors that iterate over a shared set of rows, providing multiple views of the underlying data. Duplicates also share property values; thus, for example, if a rowset is read-only, all of its duplicates will be read-only.

a shared rowset object
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs or cloning is not supported


public java.lang.Object clone()
                       throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
Returns a new RowSet object backed by the same data that backs this CachedRowSet object. This method differs from the method createCopy in that it throws a CloneNotSupportedException object instead of an SQLException object, as the method createShared does. This clone method is called internally by the method createShared.

a copy of this CachedRowSet object
java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException - if an error occurs


public javax.sql.RowSet createCopy()
                            throws java.sql.SQLException
Creates a RowSet object that is a deep copy of this CachedRowSet object's data. Updates made on a copy are not visible to the original rowset; a copy of a rowset is completely independent from the original. Making a copy saves the cost of creating an identical rowset from first principles, which can be quite expensive. For example, it can eliminate the need to query a remote database server.

a new RowSet object that is a deep copy of this CachedRowSet object and is completely independent of this CachedRowSet object
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs, the input stream is corrupted, there are other input/output problems, or a necessary class cannot be found


public java.util.Collection toCollection()
                                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Converts this CachedRowSet object to a collection.

a Collection object consisting of tables, each of which is a copy of a row in this CachedRowSet object
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public java.util.Collection toCollection(int column)
                                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns the specified column of this CachedRowSet object as a Collection object. This method makes a copy of the column's data.

a Collection object that contains the value(s) stored in the specified column of this CachedRowSet object
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public void setTableName(java.lang.String tabName)
                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Sets the identifier for the table from which this rowset was derived to the given table name.

tabName - a String object that identifies the table from which this CachedRowSet object was derived
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public java.lang.String getTableName()
Get the name of the table where the changes will be made.


public java.lang.Object[] getParams()
                             throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves an array containing the parameters that may be set in the PreparedStatement object that is the command for this rowset.

an array of Object values, which are the parameters that may be set in this rowset's command
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public java.sql.Connection getConnection()
                                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Retrieves the Connection object passed to this CachedRowSet object. This connection may be used to populate this rowset with data or to write data back to its underlying data source.

the Connection object passed to this rowset; may be null if there is no connection
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs


public int size()
         throws java.sql.SQLException
Return the numbers of rows in this CachedRowSet object



public int getColumnCount()
Return the numbers of columns in this CachedRowSet.


public java.net.URL getURL(int columnIndex)
                    throws java.sql.SQLException
Specified by:
getURL in interface java.sql.ResultSet


public java.net.URL getURL(java.lang.String columnName)
                    throws java.sql.SQLException
Specified by:
getURL in interface java.sql.ResultSet


public void updateArray(int columnIndex,
                        java.sql.Array x)
                 throws java.sql.SQLException
Specified by:
updateArray in interface java.sql.ResultSet


public void updateArray(java.lang.String columnName,
                        java.sql.Array x)
                 throws java.sql.SQLException
Specified by:
updateArray in interface java.sql.ResultSet


public void updateBlob(int columnIndex,
                       java.sql.Blob x)
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Specified by:
updateBlob in interface java.sql.ResultSet


public void updateBlob(java.lang.String columnName,
                       java.sql.Blob x)
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Specified by:
updateBlob in interface java.sql.ResultSet


public void updateClob(int columnIndex,
                       java.sql.Clob x)
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Specified by:
updateClob in interface java.sql.ResultSet


public void updateClob(java.lang.String columnName,
                       java.sql.Clob x)
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Specified by:
updateClob in interface java.sql.ResultSet


public void updateRef(int columnIndex,
                      java.sql.Ref x)
               throws java.sql.SQLException
Specified by:
updateRef in interface java.sql.ResultSet


public void updateRef(java.lang.String columnName,
                      java.sql.Ref x)
               throws java.sql.SQLException
Specified by:
updateRef in interface java.sql.ResultSet

i-net JDBC drivers for Sybase

copyright by i-net software