Interface ViewerComponent

All Known Subinterfaces:
CustomPromptEditor, NavigationTab, NavigationView, ReportView, ReportViewer, StatusBar
All Known Implementing Classes:
SwingNavigationView, SwingReportView, SwingReportViewer, SwingStatusBar

public interface ViewerComponent
All public graphical components of the viewer must implement this interface, which provides the actual AWT component so that it can be added to containers, etc.
For example, if you have a "ReportViewer" and would like to add it to your own JFrame, simply call: myFrame.add(viewer.getComponent())
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    All public graphical components of the viewer must implement this method, which returns the actual AWT component so that it can be added to containers, etc.
    For example, if you have a "ReportViewer" and would like to add it to your own JFrame, simply call: myFrame.add(viewer.getComponent())
  • Method Details

    • getComponent

      Component getComponent()
      All public graphical components of the viewer must implement this method, which returns the actual AWT component so that it can be added to containers, etc.
      For example, if you have a "ReportViewer" and would like to add it to your own JFrame, simply call: myFrame.add(viewer.getComponent())
      Actual AWT component of this object.