Interface CascadingSource

All Known Implementing Classes:
CascadingValueProvider, FieldValueProvider, QueryValueProvider

public interface CascadingSource
An implementation of this interface can be used as a parent source for a cascading prompt (see CascadingValueProvider). A cascading prompt needs a parent prompt field, but also needs to know the referencing name to use in the SQL query generated to request the default values. Implementations of this interface, e.g. FieldValueProvider and QueryValueProvider provide this, thereby linking the given value of the parent prompt field to a reference name for the SQL Query.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the name to be used as the SQL reference name in the WHERE part of the query used by a cascading prompt referencing this as its parent.
  • Method Details

    • getFieldRefName

      String getFieldRefName()
      Returns the name to be used as the SQL reference name in the WHERE part of the query used by a cascading prompt referencing this as its parent. The WHERE part of the SQL query will resemble something like "WHERE (reference name = prompt value)".
      Reference name of the parent source for a cascading prompt
      See Also: