Subreports / Subreports On Demand This report shows the use of subreports on demand. Subreports on demand are reports embedded within a report which can be opened and viewed in a separate tab by clicking on the subreport hyperlink. These subreports can be linked to the main report by a database field, and given data regarding where they are in the main report, among many other things. Subreports on demand are very useful to keep large reports clear, concise, and to the point, grouping subgroups in reports of their own. This is a sample subreport. Note that this is not a subreport on demand. It is embedded and visible within the main report. It is possible to dynamically link the subreport with the main report via links. For example, this subreport has been dynamically calculated to be subreport #1 in the entire report. Subreport on Demand Another Subreport on Demand Page 1 © 2005-2024, i-net software