Fonts In this sample you can see that i-net Clear Reports supports many different fonts. With Font Embedding, these fonts can also be made available on systems which do not have the fonts installed. Latin, Arabic, Chinese, and other fonts are possible. Arial: This text is in Arial. We can also use text attributes like bold, italic, bold-italic, underline, or strikethrough. Times New Roman: This text is in Times New Roman. The text attributes can be bold, italic, bold-italic, underline or strikethrough. Script MT Bold This text is written with Script MT Bold. The following text is written in Arabic. الأبجدية العربية تتكون من 28 حرف هم ا ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن The following text is written in Chinese with traditional orientation from top to bottom and right to left. 漢字或稱中文字,是中國人發明的形意文字書寫系統(也稱中文)。漢字亦名列世上最古 老、並唯一流傳至今的形意文字,推估可追溯至4,000年以上。漢字也被日文與朝鮮 文,以及古代越南文等東亞多國語言使用。 Page 1 © 2005-2024, i-net software